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Тема: hi i am new and i need help
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« : 05.06.2012 00:27:41 »
hi all i recently start playing sr2 reboot and i must say i love it because it force u to think

i need your help i want to play on 200% difficulty i know if i can live for 5 years i can beat the game but dominators are so aggressive that its nearly impossible to survive
first i think peleng pirate or fereyan mercenery is best starting race (beacuse of missile launcher)
second i realy dont know how to make money at the start because there is no mission(the best way i found is to use that artifact to call keller army in another dominator system then use a camouflage and loot everything)
third i am not sure how the game decide to give u a new rts mission (best source of money in my view) if i can manipulate the game to give me more rts mission i wont have any problem
oh i almost forget how do u farm keller for artifact with weak defense (in the beginning when u have 200 hull keller kill u with any of its attack) when keller come out of its black hole it kill me in a second i cant go even near its black hole  :confused:
i am sorry for my bad english its not my native language

edit: i just thinking what about doing some illegal trade (like selling drugs) and going to jail u actually can make some money in jail what do u think about it?
Орден Почетного Легиона за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Именная монета" за высокую активность, помощь игрокам, преданность игре и форумному сообществу Космических Рейнджеров
"Гармониратум" за знаменитость "Пацифист""Титановая решётка" за знаменитость "Пахан""Орден быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Миротворец"
"Аурумцева сфера" за знаменитость "Спецагент""Обсидиановый бор" за знаменитость "Вечный пациент"Маршальская звезда - отличительный знак, который выдается за ветеранство в игре КР2 и КР HD: за трудолюбие, упорство и целеустремленность, проявленные для достижения данного статуса. Пилотов, имеющих столь почетный знак, считанные единицы в галактике, но именно на них равняются, именно с них берут пример и именно ими гордятся, ведь каждый из них - легенда! Выдано восьмому рейнджеру, который сумел путем неимоверных усилий достичь данного уровня, образцового для многих игроков. Так держать! Поздравляем!
"Штандарт верховного лякуши" за знаменитость "Чёрный череп""Платиновая брошь" за знаменитость "звёздный олигарх"
Offline Klisan-57-

Сообщений: 1771
Карма: 1687 Известность: 3209

« Ответ #1 : 05.06.2012 03:32:48 »
Hey  :fly:
 If you have problems with survival then kill Keller as fast as you can,  then dominators will stop disturbing.  About his damage... Dont get  around near him. When you see that he jumps to hole, follow him and dont  change trajectory then hole will never close. So you can jump into hole with full health.
 About problems with money, Im sure there is 1 good way - commerce  (mostly luxury). Drugs and jail will not give you much money, with  luxury you can get them much faster. I hope you know how to get starting  capital? When you are starting game, pick training for beginners. You  can get money from saling technics (right after you complated mission  with medicaments). Technics appear about 2 months, cost is constant, you  can buy it with 64 cr and sale with 90 cr. In end you will get  10000-30000 cr depends of how fast you acted with trade. After it you can do not finish training if you want. Next stage is killing Keller.
 Missions isnt really good for money, but you can take some missions if  there are 3 pirates in system or 2 pirates which are attacking somebody.  Not much financial help but good chance for artifact.

first i think peleng pirate or fereyan mercenery is best starting race (beacuse of missile launcher)
 second i realy dont know how to make money at the start because there is  no mission(the best way i found is to use that artifact to call keller  army in another dominator system then use a camouflage and loot  everything)
starting race is normal. But some players pick gaalian (dealer). He hasnt rockets but has some other advantages.
With artifact which call kelleroids is good idea. But also explore uninhabited planets. Sometimes its very useful.

Ofc you may do not kill Keller, but game is harder if hes alive. I think that killing is best way for you.
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #2 : 05.06.2012 08:07:58 »
many thanks for fast replay
i always do full medic (no radar no weapon for maximum space) then techi (machinery) but problem start when both get exusted i also know about dumping goods on a planet couse  buying price to lower to the point that no one sell anything on that planet and planet starve to death then i remove goods for some turn and come back to sell them to insane price (maybe i am too lazy beacuse on easier difficulty price ranges are very large lol :P)

and i do as u say actually i do it both at the same time explore the unhabited planet and calling keller army at the same time but after awail it become too tedius :S

about mission i only want planetery mission (robot war) almost always 2000 experiance and alot of money + good chance of artifact

hmm i think for first time around i do as u say i kill keller (also i am not good with arcade games :S) and next game i dont kill it :P many thanks

another question it seems i can force the game to go up in technology (from what i read), is that depends on my total cr (equipment + money)?

edit: how do u know dominators have high tech equipment? i mostly look to their armor and shield i think one with high shield and armor probably have highest tech i ask this question beacuse for me weapon of choice is vertix or if i have lots of micro modle imm9000 (seems to me withough any thing vertix have highest damage but with good equipment and lots of micro fragment do more damage)
Орден Почетного Легиона за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Именная монета" за высокую активность, помощь игрокам, преданность игре и форумному сообществу Космических Рейнджеров
"Гармониратум" за знаменитость "Пацифист""Титановая решётка" за знаменитость "Пахан""Орден быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Миротворец"
"Аурумцева сфера" за знаменитость "Спецагент""Обсидиановый бор" за знаменитость "Вечный пациент"Маршальская звезда - отличительный знак, который выдается за ветеранство в игре КР2 и КР HD: за трудолюбие, упорство и целеустремленность, проявленные для достижения данного статуса. Пилотов, имеющих столь почетный знак, считанные единицы в галактике, но именно на них равняются, именно с них берут пример и именно ими гордятся, ведь каждый из них - легенда! Выдано восьмому рейнджеру, который сумел путем неимоверных усилий достичь данного уровня, образцового для многих игроков. Так держать! Поздравляем!
"Штандарт верховного лякуши" за знаменитость "Чёрный череп""Платиновая брошь" за знаменитость "звёздный олигарх"
Offline Klisan-57-

Сообщений: 1771
Карма: 1687 Известность: 3209

« Ответ #3 : 05.06.2012 11:24:28 »
another question it seems i can force the game to go up in technology  (from what i read), is that depends on my total cr (equipment + money)?
Nope, equipment and money affects to equipment or artefacts which can be  founded on unhabited planets (not sure about money, but equipment  affects for sure). If you have good equipment then you can find 100% of  items which were generated from start, if you have bad equipment then  you will found fuel tank instead of expensive artefacts and expensive  equipment (As I know).
   how do u know dominators have high tech equipment? i mostly look to  their armor and shield i think one with high shield and armor probably  have highest tech i ask this question beacuse for me weapon of choice is  vertix or if i have lots of micro modle imm9000 (seems to me withough  any thing vertix have highest damage but with good equipment and lots of  micro fragment do more damage)                                                                                                                                           
What version of sr2 you have? Its important.
 If you have not old version then cheat shift+ctrl+Vertix will show galactic tech  level. There are 8 levels of galactic technology. (1-8 or A-H). first  level - A, second - B .... 8th - H. When you type cheat for Vertix, game  gives to you 5 Vertixes where you can see that level. Dont forget to  load clear save after that =)
 So these levels are important if you are playing for hight result. When  galactic has 4th level (D), you can drop multi-resonator from dominator  after kill. 6th (F) level allows to drop Vertix from dominator. I dont  remember what level you need for dropping IMHO-9000, probably its 5th  (E).
 If you have first versions of game (like 1.0) then I dont know how to know galactic level except using trainer.
another question it seems i can force the game to go up in technology
Hmmm I cant say that you can directly do it. Speed of Technology's evolution depends of amout of planets. Look to amount of industrial planets, if you have many industrial planets then evolution goes faster.. As you understand, when you have more than 3 systems all types of dominators attacking systems. When its 3 or lower - only Keller attacks systems. So for 200% difficulty you cant get many industrial planets. So for greater speed of evolution your task is generate many indistrial planets from start and dont let dominators occupy systems with them. Why only industrial? Becouse equipment appears faster on that planets.

If you want know more about all that mechanism... Every planet has his own technic level (also from 1 to 8). levels of planets are rising during game, mostly its random process. But for industrial planets its higher, for agrarian lower. Summary all planet's levels make overall level (galactic technic level, as I told already). Planets with high level has better equipment in shop. You can know personal planet's level by using trainer only. theoretical its possible without trainer, but harder.

So if you decided play good, maybe some tricks will help you, if you dont know them. As i told already, its cheat-code Vertix, which shows to you galactic level. Cheat shift+ctrl+drop will show equipment of nearest ship. Very useful when you are trying to get weapon or something from dominator. You can see if that think matches to you. For example if you see good weapon in dominator and drop his equipment, you can compare galactic level and weapon's level. If weapon's level is higher than galactic level then you will never get it without cheats.

Heh its for new versions of game where you can know galactic level and equipment level easy by using cheat-codes, for old versions you can judge about equipment level only from their characteristic. And dont forget load clear save if you used cheat-code, if you wanna have fair final result.
Also if you explore all unhabited planets, maybe more easy to use trainer for it, its much faster than exploring randomly all planets. Also you can see all equipment in galactic, levels of planets... Precautionary measures are same like after using cheat-codes, you should download old clear save.

EDIT: sorry, I saw that you have 2.0 after I wrote whole post :D Im too lazy to edit it after that =) By the way, do you use protect from SNK?
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #4 : 05.06.2012 13:07:02 »
wow lots of information i realy appriciate it thanks i love when i know what i am doing :)


 Nope, equipment and money affects to equipment or artefacts which can be  founded on unhabited planets (not sure about money, but equipment  affects for sure). If you have good equipment then you can find 100% of  items which were generated from start, if you have bad equipment then  you will found fuel tank instead of expensive artefacts and expensive  equipment (As I know).

so u mean its better to wait so i have better equipment then exploring unhabitat planets? to get better equipment, artifacts?

By the way, do you use protect from SNK?

 :shy: what is protect from SNK?

about trainers it seems i cant find the one u mention (all of them just give money) most likely those trainers are for russia verion of the game :(

another thing that i just noticed in my last game is that gallian seems to overpower any other race or maybe its beacuse i always started as a gallian merchant? usually their warship are way more powerfull than other races in term of protection and weaponry. is that why people start as gallian so their homeworld have better protection?

hmm another question: is there anyway to kill keller completly (not sending him away) withought sience station program? i just tried to kill it in a seemingly endless loop every time it regenerate to full health  :( (i dont like to send such a monster to someone else territory its against my morality :D LOL)

Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #5 : 05.06.2012 14:13:24 »
wow lots of information i realy appriciate it thanks i love when i know what i am doing :)
so u mean its better to wait so i have better equipment then exploring unhabitat planets? to get better equipment, artifacts?

I won't recommend exploring those planets before 3303 or better 3304 or you will find nothing apart from micromodules and very low-quality equipment. Don't forget to explore each planet complently since each of them can contain red modules. :-P

:shy: what is protect from SNK?

Nevermind then. :-)

another thing that i just noticed in my last game is that gallian seems to overpower any other race or maybe its beacuse i always started as a gallian merchant? usually their warship are way more powerfull than other races in term of protection and weaponry. is that why people start as gallian so their homeworld have better protection?

True, they are first in technologies (earlies rockets etc) and gallian merchant start is usually my choice.

hmm another question: is there anyway to kill keller completly (not sending him away) withought sience station program?

No way, also it's impossible to kill him in space (except for some glitch I'm not familiar with).

If you have first versions of game (like 1.0) then I dont know how to know galactic level except using trainer.

Galactic and planetary levels were introduced somewhere early 2006 (1.5 or 1.4?)

When  galactic has 4th level (D), you can drop multi-resonator from dominator  after kill.

Fourth level is a critical stage in game. Beforehand buy 5 (more -- better) camofluages on pirate bases (before Keller crushes them :-)) and explore all the systems nearby for urgants with multi-resonators (or how they are named in you version). Trick is: use dominator program which causes dominators to drop equipment. Each day different items are dropped, so just reload if you don't like drops. Be aware: after using programs camofluage fades (or just stops working for dominators in this system, I forgot). So get 4-5 multis, upgrade them and you should liberate system solo. That's why 200% game is still very elementary -- most of average players get those multis by 3304 and won't ever face with difficulties.

Same trick for Vertixes and IMHO9000 but they won't drop after using programs, only by killing. So use the programs and be sure your enemy has no equipment apart from engine, fuel tank and a weapon, then kill it on different days. Sooner or later (you may need several months :-)) you will get your overwhelming deathbringer.

Damn long time with no practice in english, I must look like an idiot :-P
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #6 : 05.06.2012 15:54:15 »
I won't recommend exploring those planets before 3303 or better 3304 or you will find nothing apart from micromodules and very low-quality equipment. Don't forget to explore each planet complently since each of them can contain red modules. :-P

lol i was missing alot then i just explore planets in first 3 year after that i just didnt have enough time for that

hmm another question: is there anyway to kill keller completly (not sending him away) withought sience station program?
No way, also it's impossible to kill him in space (except for some glitch I'm not familiar with).
i ask this question beacuse there is 3 way for both terran and blazer to finish them i thinked probably there is another way to kill keller too, so disappointing  :(

That's why 200% game is still very elementary -- most of average players get those multis by 3304 and won't ever face with difficulties.
eh anywhere i read about reboot people say impossible is realy impossible now u say its elementary :P wow
if its elementry i realy like to know what game on hard is realy hard in your view (i mean rpg games) :)

Same trick for Vertixes and IMHO9000 but they won't drop after using programs, only by killing. So use the programs and be sure your enemy has no equipment apart from engine, fuel tank and a weapon, then kill it on different days. Sooner or later (you may need several months :-)) you will get your overwhelming deathbringer.

there are is some problems that i dont know what to do with them. in my 30 year 100% (custom difficulty with dominator on 150%) i only saw 1 vertix rank 8 with 190 weight its very strange they should already have the most powerfull lightest weapon possible (i used alot of cheat on dominator who definitly had vertix to see what they have and best i found was rank g with 150 weight and when i use cheat vertix, i get rank h weight 20 )
another problem is that its very hard to keep both pirate and military base alive to get the combat program and camu and if u want to get camu sooner u need to use a lot of money that most likely is not availabe on that time
problem is, usually in first 3-4 month only 2 system remain for good guys

Damn long time with no practice in english, I must look like an idiot :-P
definitly not

edit: i hope u dont think i am complaining i love the game and i enjoy chalange i just want to know how others get around this problems thanks for your helps
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #7 : 05.06.2012 17:04:19 »
if its elementry i realy like to know what game on hard is realy hard in your view (i mean rpg games) :)
I don't play games much for now, but you can open my profile and see my results. Just playing sometimes since release.

148 is minimal weight for Vertixes and 108 for IMHO respectively. Those are so ultimate weapons so you can pick modules not for damage/range but ones to reduce the size (one yellow module reduces size by 40% at no cost and the second one reduces size by 50% with some little damage penalties).

problem is, usually in first 3-4 month only 2 system remain for good guys
Actually, Blazer and Terron both won't attack 3 last systems remaninig, but Keller alone will. Little hint: do not contune training quests after trading medicaments, so Keller won't be able to attack your starting system AND the second training system where you fight with a robot by the middle of 3301.

definitly not
I still don't like my speech. :-)

Yeah saving bases is a hard task but if you saved Buisness Center you can just buy what you want (and then allow Keller to destroy bases you won't need soon ;-)).
Орден Почетного Легиона за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Именная монета" за высокую активность, помощь игрокам, преданность игре и форумному сообществу Космических Рейнджеров
"Гармониратум" за знаменитость "Пацифист""Титановая решётка" за знаменитость "Пахан""Орден быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Миротворец"
"Аурумцева сфера" за знаменитость "Спецагент""Обсидиановый бор" за знаменитость "Вечный пациент"Маршальская звезда - отличительный знак, который выдается за ветеранство в игре КР2 и КР HD: за трудолюбие, упорство и целеустремленность, проявленные для достижения данного статуса. Пилотов, имеющих столь почетный знак, считанные единицы в галактике, но именно на них равняются, именно с них берут пример и именно ими гордятся, ведь каждый из них - легенда! Выдано восьмому рейнджеру, который сумел путем неимоверных усилий достичь данного уровня, образцового для многих игроков. Так держать! Поздравляем!
"Штандарт верховного лякуши" за знаменитость "Чёрный череп""Платиновая брошь" за знаменитость "звёздный олигарх"
Offline Klisan-57-

Сообщений: 1771
Карма: 1687 Известность: 3209

« Ответ #8 : 05.06.2012 17:15:33 »
Galactic and planetary levels were introduced somewhere early 2006 (1.5 or 1.4?)
I remember that some cheats like Vertix, God etc already were in 1.5, so you are right.

:shy: what is protect from SNK?
Ah, its patch for SR2. But I even dont know if that supports english version of game. With that patch russians can send their records to rating table.

eh anywhere i read about reboot people say impossible is realy impossible now u say its elementary :P wow
if its elementry i realy like to know what game on hard is realy hard in your view (i mean rpg games) :)
Hehe Buldoser is just experienced player like some others. They consider 200% isnt hard and want more agressive dominators. By the way, versions 1.5-1.8 were really harder than 2.0, because in 2.0 some of equipment has power-ups. I also sure you will say same thing if you will beat 200% few times. Especially if you will play with vertixes.
You told you dont know what to do with them  :) I dont like their weight too, but... Get huge ship (1200-2000) and 5 vertixes will not be problem for you. If you very want, try some modules for making vertix lighter. That heavy weight of vertix was introduced in 1.5 because many players played with that weapon and got 5 vertixes very easy. Now its harder to get, harder to use, harder to repair, but its still best weapon :D

About Keller, I think designers made fault with program for him. Its almost useless. But as I know, with program you have more chances to beat him.
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #9 : 05.06.2012 19:10:03 »
I don't play games much for now, but you can open my profile and see my results. Just playing sometimes since release.
glup....  :eek: 50k score is too much and i see u probably pick the sience version of uniqe ship most likely to beat everyone faster :P and i suppose killer (pirate uniqe ship) was too much problem to be worth it?

also i like to know u guys difficulty preferance :)

Actually, Blazer and Terron both won't attack 3 last systems remaninig, but Keller alone will. Little hint: do not contune training quests after trading medicaments, so Keller won't be able to attack your starting system AND the second training system where you fight with a robot by the middle of 3301.
eh in my test game i just sit there doing nothing and end turns now i know why i survived for 1.5 year :P LOL

definitly not
I still don't like my speech. :-)
but i like it lol :P

Yeah saving bases is a hard task but if you saved Buisness Center you can just buy what you want (and then allow Keller to destroy bases you won't need soon ;-)).
well i actually want to destroy bussiness center so i dont need to pay back my debt :P well it seems its out of option now :D

Hehe Buldoser is just experienced player like some others. They consider 200% isnt hard and want more agressive dominators. By the way, versions 1.5-1.8 were really harder than 2.0, because in 2.0 some of equipment has power-ups. I also sure you will say same thing if you will beat 200% few times. Especially if you will play with vertixes
well i played with vertix but in version 1.0 of game i just made the 22 hull amor 51% shield and go to the middle of dominators and kill them all with my five vertixes its why i think vertix drop of dominators is so heavy :P lol when i get reboot i waste about 2 hour trying to use alarm signal to drop vertixes then i searched the net and find out that it wont drop :D :shy:
btw any of u guys played king bounty? that game was very similar to this game(i mean the global design of the gameplay is similar) and i loved that one i even thinked designer of both game are the same then i find out that its just their publisher :P
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"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

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« Ответ #10 : 05.06.2012 19:21:51 »
glup....  :eek: 50k score is too much and i see u probably pick the sience version of uniqe ship most likely to beat everyone faster :P and i suppose killer (pirate uniqe ship) was too much problem to be worth it?
Yeah science one, though later switched to much bigger Chegantina.

also i like to know u guys difficulty preferance :)
200/200/200/50/50/200/200/200 or 200/200/200/50/100/200/200/200 just because I'm too lazy to repair vertixes often. And 50 or 100 equipment to get vertixes/imho 5 years earlier than on 200% (3307-3309 against 3312-3314), though in most cases I don't reload as often as I sometimes should and don't maximise results lol. Too lazy. :crazy:

btw any of u guys played king bounty? that game was very similar to this game(i mean the global design of the gameplay is similar) and i loved that one i even thinked designer of both game are the same then i find out that its just their publisher :P
Well that's same team exclude one man who has right on Elemental Games brand (long story), so you were right. :-)
Offline omega

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« Ответ #11 : 05.06.2012 21:22:02 »
lol i am sooo lucky started 200% difficulty find a rapid housing II 274 space with four slot weapons (sadly it only have 4 armor) lots of lucky trade good engine and still i have 40k cr :O but i dont like to raise my equipment price too much it make repairing too much pricy so i still stick with low price equipment except engine (its what make me survive :P) and its till year 1 :O in top of that sheat system have 3 industrial (+bussiness center) and kraha 1 industrial planets LOL perfect game :P
Offline omega

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« Ответ #12 : 07.06.2012 01:32:24 »
wow its very interesting its year 10 and we have only 5 system :| i still use missile thrower with some MM (+30 and +10 damage) :| there is no base at all :| blazer attacked with 5 bahamoth (i mean bigest ship i dont remember its name) and 5 little one and in the same time stupid gallian attacked another system so i lost both sience and ranger base atleast gallian can defend themselve very good but i dunno what should i do with bases how to fortify them, is there anyway to increase their armor?

when blazzer attacked only 1 battleship attack them everybody else do their daily routine well i know rangers are coward but transport usually attack the enemy, it was not the same when keller attacked (when keller attack everyone participate) can anyone explain why they suddenly become coward?
"Орден быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Железный человек""Трезубчатый орден" за почётное второе место в чемпионате "Охотник за головами""Орден быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Юный натуралист"
"Урановый млеко" победителю ежегодного творческого конкурса на "Лучший авторский стих" разлива 2012 годаОрден Почётного Легиона за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!
Offline fBrown

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« Ответ #13 : 07.06.2012 04:18:30 »
but i dunno what should i do with bases how to fortify them, is there anyway to increase their armor?

Talk to Base-administrator, choose "enhance/improve base". Pay money. U may divide your EXP with Base, increasing its parameters. Also U may install any equipment (including artifacts) on Base.
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
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« Ответ #14 : 07.06.2012 21:31:23 »
fbrown thanks but i know how to go to their equipment page i just thinked that people use something special to fortify them :)

hmm i thinked i am very good in rts missions now i think i am a complete loser LOL how do u win landing (Pride of Endoria) rts mission? its the mission where u must defend a ship and 3 dominator attack u from everywhere the problem is this map is very tight its nearly impossible to defend yourself :S and i dont like using titanium armor or air support thanks for your help :) 
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