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Тема: hi i am new and i need help
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #30 : 13.06.2012 17:13:03 »
1- so i better forget about that u cant have everything in one game (i corrently generated a game with 3 industrial, 2 agri and 5 mixed, only 5 systems are free and only one of the systems is not in my sector  i just dont have pirate base but i have business so no complain there, it sound like a very good start)
3- fbrown: yeah killer is so ugly specially in hyper ;) it seems we agree then :)/bulDOSer: hmm strange if u do it fast u can have them in year 5-6 and definitly there is no better hull in that time, maybe u just dont like their look? :)
4- so i must move a lot :D lol i think i am too lazy for that ;) but i should learn that
5-so there is a way to get the desired mm just hold all your mm in your ship except the one u want :D hehe i wont trade mm to rangers now :P i think BH work like ranger center too (u wont get the same artifact) right?

another question: this one is realy on my nerve this time i changed difficulty to 50% equipment in the store and equipment failure but i actually have lower tech compared to my previous game every ship in the galaxy have very good engines, weapon (specially that 10 weight missile launcher that every pirate have :P) but i have a lot of problem getting any of them i killed a lot of rangers, battleship, pirate, transport or anything moving at all (and reload afterward) but i never get this good equipment its year 3306 and i still have the engine i buyed in march 3300 an upgraded singular engine beacuse i couldnt find any engine that is small :S the best was 45 
i read somewhere that to get the best equipment u shouldnt search the stores but in the hull of other ships but how u do it anyway this ships never drop good stuff

i dunno what's going on but in my previous 200% game i was a lot more powerfull (tech wise and money wise)
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #31 : 13.06.2012 18:35:06 »
1 I'd suggest generating a galactic with 2 systems in your sector including buisness center AND a third one in another sector (fei one is nice) so just destroy/buy bases in the third system. Incomprehensible start. :D No rockets on start is OK it's unlikely you have enough resources (modules + arts) to use them effectively. Though on the other hand better guards.
3 Kinda prefer oldschool game version without those cheating ships on bases and equipment with bonuses to weapons.
4 Have a try then. ;-)
5 Yeah new artifact is guaranteed. I got the same one which I carried just once or twice in eight year of playing this game. Switching last remaining enemy is the key.
The drop chance depends on 1) your wealth (money + the cost of equipment) and on 2) the average of wealth of each coalition ship. Those parameters are difficult to affect (especially the second one) and... Pray to the god of Random and have luck. :D I remember how long I tried to get that 45 sized IMHO-9000 from Terron, damn. :D  Also better switch to 100% equipment, I see 50% is too powerful to you now and you have yet to benefit from it.
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #32 : 13.06.2012 19:20:33 »
i love u guys i realy appreciate your helps
lol i cant beilive it that droping the difficulty actually raise the difficulty :P
i didnt know drop chance is base on your total wealth :S i am actually worth nothing now :P maybe 200k

about system why fei? how can i destroy a base, is it by drawing attention of dominators to the base?

i dont remember any artifact that affect damage of missile weapon is there such a thing?
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #33 : 13.06.2012 21:25:24 »
1 feian development is almost as guaranteed and fast as gallian. yes use kelleroids for destroying bases. or cisterns. :D
2 use cheats "arts" and "module" to see them all as I may be wrong with them
Орден Почетного Легиона за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Именная монета" за высокую активность, помощь игрокам, преданность игре и форумному сообществу Космических Рейнджеров
"Гармониратум" за знаменитость "Пацифист""Титановая решётка" за знаменитость "Пахан""Орден быка" за почётное третье место в чемпионате "Миротворец"
"Аурумцева сфера" за знаменитость "Спецагент""Обсидиановый бор" за знаменитость "Вечный пациент"Маршальская звезда - отличительный знак, который выдается за ветеранство в игре КР2 и КР HD: за трудолюбие, упорство и целеустремленность, проявленные для достижения данного статуса. Пилотов, имеющих столь почетный знак, считанные единицы в галактике, но именно на них равняются, именно с них берут пример и именно ими гордятся, ведь каждый из них - легенда! Выдано восьмому рейнджеру, который сумел путем неимоверных усилий достичь данного уровня, образцового для многих игроков. Так держать! Поздравляем!
"Штандарт верховного лякуши" за знаменитость "Чёрный череп""Платиновая брошь" за знаменитость "звёздный олигарх"
Offline Klisan-57-

Сообщений: 1771
Карма: 1687 Известность: 3209

« Ответ #34 : 13.06.2012 21:25:54 »
how can i destroy a base, is it by drawing attention of dominators to the base?
Yes or you entice dominators to system and w8 until they crash it, or use bomb(s) to destroy base.

i dont remember any artifact that affect damage

Its not exist. You can increase damage of rockets by using equipment with bonuses.
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #35 : 15.06.2012 23:13:37 »
lol this time i made a big mistake i killed both blazer and keller too soon and now i am forced to finish the game when i dont want to
terran become so aggressive that i fear he capture all the galaxy i didnt know u should kill them all in one strike, well it would be a good lessen for me :)
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #36 : 15.06.2012 23:51:15 »
When dominators control less than half of systems dominators equipment level rises to H and if coalition forces still stays somewhere at F level with multiresonators well... Very sad picture. :-)
I recently forced Blazer to stay in one system by 3316 on maximal difficulty and then stayed on some base for three and a half year. Watch out. Pelengs survived for no reason and those gallians in starting systems recently got H level equip.
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #37 : 15.06.2012 23:55:29 »
And as of my experience facing one enemy makes dominators more agressive and forces them to fly into other systems when you liberate them so more easy exp. I think Blazer is the most agressive, but on the other hand it's possible to give him one system near coalition and farm terronoids while rangers and military ships try to get one unbeatable blazeroid system. As a result almost no ranger will disturb terronoids from attacking systems you are farming.
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #38 : 16.06.2012 00:09:46 »
lol google translate made my day :P

how did u blocked a system anyway :)

in my case its year 27 everyone have (or should have) the best equipment and dominators had as much as 10 system i think but as soon as i finished keller and blazer terran goes berserk when i attack a system 3 wave of reinforcement from other system come to help , when i defend 2 wave (maximum i see) from different system (i even see about 10 biggest ship, that sadly i dont remeber its name)  all in my range of vertixes (hopefully i had strongester killer and 5 vertixes :P)
in just 1 month 10 systems fall under might of terran LOL its not that coalition does not have good equipment its that dominators are wining on pure reproduction and number (and as we know terran is the master of reproduction ;) )

with your secound post i remember that blazer had lots of system and i forced him to join us so basically a lot of dominators systems get free suddenly maybe it was a shock to the terran as a last dominator leader. seeing as his pride is in danger he ordered a full assult against all coalitions :P
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #39 : 16.06.2012 00:32:35 »
You are right, massive blazeroid suicide made Terron insane. Actually coalition loses but dominators left systems almost undefended. Damn iPad spellcheck, impossible to write game terms . :D
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #40 : 17.06.2012 00:57:01 »
well my secound playthrough wasnt that much successfull i just get 24k score and i finished it in year 33 i get 1.4 milion exp (my setting was equipment and equipment failure on 50% other setting on 200%) but i dont realy liked my game this time, i think i better set equipment to 200% and equipment failure to 50% beacuse i wont realy do much killing before getting vertixes and equipment failure actually force u to do less killing

take note that i want to improve my skill more than improving my score what do u think?

also about MM i only saw panzer once and i never saw universe even after having all other first micro module rangers center refuse to give me new ones and try to sell the one i already have (except panzer and universe i had all first lvl micro module) either they are very rare or i wasnt lucky can i do something to increase chance of getting them?
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #41 : 17.06.2012 21:32:29 »
Universe, panzer and hub belong to the special uncommon type of modules which are rare to appear in rangers centers. One day a year (approx, the range is like 250-500 days) this type of modules replaces the standart saleschain and rangers center offers ONLY universe, panzer and hub with no exceptions. If you found this day -- buy as many modules as you can.

take note that i want to improve my skill more than improving my score what do u think?

I'll later describe some tactics. First say what you want to improve right now.

Hint: save and load more often, you won't them lose unexpected opportunities. :-)
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #42 : 17.06.2012 21:48:41 »
how did u blocked a system anyway :)
I blocked Blazer in Atlan and gave all other systems to terronoids. The trick was: eliminate Terron and liberate systems in 31 parsecs from Atlan (maximal distance dominators can travel, the only exception is an artifact which calls dominators in your system where you activated that art, don't know how it's named in english version) as soon as possible. I wasn't able to achieve that and Blazer got one system before I liberated others. Blazeroids started spawning with H equipment and went kicking. :D
Offline omega

Сообщений: 40
Карма: 135 Известность: 27

« Ответ #43 : 17.06.2012 22:23:05 »
wow i didnt know any of that
first for module is a day fixed? i mean u pass days untill ranger center offer them and u memorize the day then load the game and do other things fighting dominators, trade, etc is module offer the same day?

if dominators can jump maximum of 31 parsec i know how to maximaze my score :D just attacking a for example terran system with lots of nearby terran systems and they send wave after waves of food for my exp counter :)

i think i am too slow in the beginning i nearly dont do anything untill i have killer and some vertixes (actually i do but all i am doing is with missile, also they are powerfull but they are very slow in killing and i also cant collect that much loots) what i do is for first 3 year i just do trading (mostly lauxary) then i try to find some missile, after that i mostly try to participate in liberations to get some loot and i work toward my killer untill i can find vertix rank g then i start my mass killings. i want to be faster and in order to do that i must stop relaying on top equipments, what can i do?
Бляха "Космический патруль" за помощь в борьбе с нарушениями на форуме."Орден Почётного Легиона" за активное участие в жизни форума свыше 1000 дней!!!"Орден быка" за почетное третье место в чемпионате "Мультирезонанс"
"Звезда Эгемона". Редчайшая награда Галактического Совета. Выдана за выдающиеся заслуги перед Форумом и за форумный стаж свыше 2000 дней"Орден Галактического Совета" за тестирование, реализацию новшеств и прочую помощь в разработке аддона "КР HD: Революция".
Offline bulDOSer

Сообщений: 350
Карма: 587 Известность: 854

« Ответ #44 : 17.06.2012 22:58:52 »
wow i didnt know any of that
first for module is a day fixed? i mean u pass days untill ranger center offer them and u memorize the day then load the game and do other things fighting dominators, trade, etc is module offer the same day?

Yes but not 100% guaranteed. Several mechanisms may brake trading chain, but I'm unaware how and when it happens. I recommend not to predict and check the sequence regulary.

if dominators can jump maximum of 31 parsec i know how to maximaze my score :D just attacking a for example terran system with lots of nearby terran systems and they send wave after waves of food for my exp counter :)

You get it: two systems with 1 habit. planet and large number of systems nearby.  :p

i think i am too slow in the beginning i nearly dont do anything untill i have killer and some vertixes (actually i do but all i am doing is with missile, also they are powerfull but they are very slow in killing and i also cant collect that much loots) what i do is for first 3 year i just do trading (mostly lauxary) then i try to find some missile, after that i mostly try to participate in liberations to get some loot and i work toward my killer untill i can find vertix rank g then i start my mass killings. i want to be faster and in order to do that i must stop relaying on top equipments, what can i do?

E rank vertix should be enough powerful. For much more productive start full pack of artifact is critical. Obtaining all the 30 arts in 4-5 years is the key for one of the most effective (and expensive realtime-wise) tactics in the game. Actually it's gonna be closer to masochism rather than to the game. And don't tell later I didn't warn. :D
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